TU Darmstadt
Heinrich Hertz Bibliography
Heinrich Hertz
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Subject Areas of Heinrich Hertz Bibliography
A - Writings by Hertz
B - Biographical Studies and Materials
Historical Scholarship
Biographical inquiries
Dictionary Articles
Histories of Science or Technology
Documents relating to the biography and legacy of Hertz
Personal Recollections
Obituaries, brief notices, commemorative assessments
C - Context and Background to Hertz's Researches
Hertz's Training
Nineteenth Century Physics
Maxwell and Electrodynamics (Electricity and Light)
Mechanics and Mechanical Explanation (Energy, Force and Matter)
The Ether
Precursors, Compatriots, and Successors
Albert Abraham Michelson
David Hilbert
Ernst Mach
Erwin Schrödinger
Gustav Kirchhoff
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Henri Poincaré
Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz
Ludwig Boltzmann
Max Born
Max Planck
Niels Bohr
Paul Ehrenfest
Philipp Lenard
Vilhelm Friman Koren Bjerknes
William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)
Zöllner, Fechner, Weber
Scientific Institutions
D - Hertz's Research in Electrodynamics: Contemporary and Scientific Discussions
On the principle of the unity of electric force (Misc 273-290, Hertz's 1884 paper)
The 1888-experiments and their theoretical implications
Repercussions in 20th century physics
The Problem of Multiple Resonance (speed of propagation in air and in wires)
E - Hertz's Research in Electrodynamics: Historical and Philosophical Investigations
Assessments of the 1888-experiments
Conceptual implications and long-term influences
Early responses by Helmholtzians and Maxwellians
Reconstructions of Hertz's "conversion" to Maxwellian electrodynamics
Situating Hertz's researches in relation to contesting theories of electromagnetism
Hertz's derivations of Maxwell's equations
F - Hertz's Principles of Mechanics: Contemporary and Scientific Responses
Examples and applications
Further mathematical and physical developments
The foundation of mechanics (including reviews of PM)
G - Hertz's Principles of Mechanics: Historical and Philosophical Investigations
Hertz's proposed reform of mechanics (Books I and II of PM)
Images, representations, theories of mechanics; the problem of theorychoice (Introduction to PM)
The Concept of Force
H - Hertz's Philosophy of Science
Epistemological commitments (methods, conceptual critique, conventionalism, Neokantism)
Epistemology in context (ontological and metaphysical dimensions; ether, matter, force, and will)
I - Hertz's Instruments and Experiments: Replications and Technological Innovations
Reconstructions of Hertz's experiments
Technological innovation and the history of radio
The rôle of instrument and experiment in Hertz's researches
K - Hertz and Wittgenstein
L - Hertz's Occasional Researches: Contemporary and Historical
Experiments on cathode rays and the photoelectric effect
Hertz on impact, hardness, and elasticity
Hertz on meteorology and the energy balance of the earth